

Free Resource on Study Motivation for Teens

BBC Bitesize Videos

Naked Beach Body Image Resources for Schools

Based on research by Dr Keon West at Goldsmith’s University and created in collaboration with Barefaced TV, this lesson for Key Stage 4 uses clips from C4’s ‘Naked Beach’ to promote discussion around body image and representation. 

There are two lessons to choose from, one showing the journey of Darrell, who is struggling to reclaim his love of exercise following injury and weight gain and the other Jolie, who has vitiligo and worries that her lack of body confidence is stopping her from enjoying her life. Each lesson contains two clips from the show, with follow up discussion points/statistics for the class to disseminate and feed-back on. 

Please note: Naked Beach is a family show and was aired before the watershed. Whilst the makers of the programme do not consider nudity to be inherently offensive or sexual, participants’ genitals were covered and their bodies painted. The aim of the programme was to showcase rarely seen or celebrated aspects of the human form such as: range of body types, range of skin colours, disability, vitiligo and stretch marks. 

Download lesson plan here. Please note, clips of the show are not currently available but you can watch episodes here (case study Darryl is in episode 1 and Jolie in episode 2).

Activity Sheet: Curate Your Feed: Making Social Media work for your Mental Health

Click here to download.

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